

Annika and Josh were married on Chesapeake Bay in Pasadena, Maryland last month.  I feel truly blessed that they had enough faith in me and my work that they would fly me halfway around the world from Seoul to have me document their rehearsal dinner and wedding.  I actually tried suggesting to Annika that it would be more convenient and cost-effective if they hired one of a handful of photographers I recommended on the East Coast instead.  Annika didn't find that an acceptable alternative, and a few months later I found myself on a week-long trip to Washington DC by way of Shanghai and New York City.  I'm grateful that she was insistent.

This was actually my first wedding that I documented completely on film -- I used primarily my Leica M6 with a 50mm Summicron f/2.  I used Kodak Tri-X 400 for the black and whites and shot a handful of rolls on Portra 400;  22 rolls in total over the two days, or 792 frames.  It was definitely a lesson in patience waiting for decisive moments.  The camera itself is so quiet and non-intrusive.  I felt like many of the people I was photographing had quite an easy time letting down their guard, allowing me to focus on the moment at hand.

I hope you enjoy the photos as much I as enjoyed being a witness for them.

Reader Comments (2)

hello!? these are a-may-jing!!!! love the color and the grain^^

September 20, 2011 | Unregistered Commentertwohalfiesmakeawhole

freaking awesome wedding bro, viva le film!

September 28, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterfer juaristi

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