My first roll of color film with my new(ish) Leica M6. It's a bit grainy because I had pushed the ISO to 640 from the night before my early morning stroll. The rangefinder system has taken some getting used to -- however, having complete control over absolutely everything the camera is doing is much more suited to my approach to and style of photography. The shutter is so quiet, and the camera is diminutive. I can get away with street and candid photography a lot easier than with a DSLR.
I bumped into my friend, Amarisse, who works as TBS Radio as a live broadcast announcer for traffic and weather. It was a lot of fun getting a peek inside the live radio broadcast world. The shutter was even quiet enough to take a few shots while she was giving a live traffic update.
Reader Comments (8)
Can't wait till you get to new york!
i read m9 for a second hahah. nice photos ...makes me miss film
dude - i love these!
I'd recommend a little more spacing between the frames in the post, though - in order to enjoy each and every one more. it's a bit intense when they're all back to back. :)
you had the camera set to 640 but did you ask the lab to do anything to compensate or did they develop it at 400?
Morgan, duly noted. :) You'll notice in previous posts that there is ample spacing between photos. I was trying different spacing on for size, but thanks for the feedback. Re: the lab - I had them develop it at 640. It costs an extra $.50 to push ISO at my lab.
i really like your style...and i mean it - a lot of so called photographers today either have no style or imitates the style of others. it's very refreshing to see you post close to a complete roll like that and that it has a coherent feel to the it.
i shoot a leica mp myself, which is basically an m6 as you probably know, but becuase there's no good lab here in oslo, norway i develop/scan images way too seldom (i will actually ship off my first 5 rolls to the epic rpl in la soon. will be expensive but hopefully amazing). of course i develop some trix on my own, but the scanning really sucks. time consuming is an understatement. ;)
anyway...here i am going on and on. i see you're a squarespace user as well. i liked how you made those 'tabs'/links to the different galleries on the first page. mind if i ask how you did that? :)
take care.
the links go to several portfolio pages. i use cargocollective.com for my portfolio. i can send you an invite if you're interested.
Romin, I love. The M6 was meant to be photographed by you... I love the perspectives you can get with a rangefinder, and how it doesn't just slow you down, it almost makes you stop for a good ten seconds before you click. :) Especially love the shot of your friend on the street--stunning. :) Can't wait to see more, my friend!
I love Juju with the Cars hands. And although Jojo is crying, he still melts my heart <3