M6 + TMAX400
I should be sleeping since my flight to JFK leaves in about 8 hours. I have a handful of portrait sessions in NYC, a portrait shoot and wedding in Washington DC, another two portrait sessions back in New York, and finally my two-day SHIFT/TILT: NYC workshop, co-hosted by Tony Yang.
I've occupied much of my last three days here in Korea test driving my M6 and 50mm f/2 Summicron, familiarizing myself with different types of film stock in the process. The images below were all shot on Kodak TMAX 400 film. I'm also trying out Fuji Neopan 100 and Tri-X 100 for B&W, and Kodak Portra 160 and 400 for color.
I made the noob mistake of shooting a roll of Portra 400 at 50 ISO because it was so bright out yesterday. My lab guy politely informed me not to push color stock more than a single stop in either direction -- meaning I should keep Portra 400 between 200 - 800 ISO. Shooting at 50 ISO is a full 3 stops from 400. That would be okay if it was B&W stock, I was told, but for color film, it's a big no-no.
I'll be posting my thoughts on the filmstock that I'm trying out in the coming weeks.
I'm going to miss my two beautiful boys and my special gal, Jenny while I'm gone. If you are in Seoul and want to lend a hand or hang out with my loves while I'm gone, I'm sure Jenny would appreciate the help and company. ^^
Love you three so much, daddy misses you already.
Reader Comments (7)
Loving Justin at the sink in front of a mirror. I like how his reflection is in focus instead of him. And of course, Jenny on the bicycle with baby. What a MILF.
I like the second to last one the best.
I love!
love the first one. he's so handsome!
So many great photos of my JujuLove. I love that you're using TMAX!! Makes me want to bust out my Minolta! I'll bring it on friday =)
we love and miss you already, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the pic of me at work is EWWWW!!! ><
<3 <3
2 days down, 7 more to go!!!!